Select a dataset category among those listed above for regional dashboards and reports.
Monthly Employment by Industry (metro) last updated: 01/29/25
Monthly Unemployment last updated: 02/26/25
12/20/24: Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates updated to include 2023 data.
12/16/23: ACS Data Profile Tables updated to include 2023 data.
12/16/23: ACS 5 Year Detail Tables updated to include 2023 data.
12/16/24: Quarterly Employment updated to include Q2/2024 data.
12/14/24: Gross Regional Product updated to include 2023 data.
11/21/24: Income & Benefits was updated to include 2023 data.
10/17/24: Veterans Expenditures updated to include 2023 data.
10/14/24: Social Security (OSADI) updated to include 2023 data.
10/12/24: Supplemental Security Income update to include 2023 data.
10/09/24: Crime was updated to include 2023 data.
10/09/24: Veterans Population updated to include 2023 data.
09/24/24: Enrollment and Completions (IPEDS) updated to include 2023 data.
09/19/24: ACS 1 Year Detail Tables updated to include 2023 data.
09/12/24: Quarterly Employment updated to include Q1/2024 data.07/05/24: Population and Demographics updated to include 2023 data.
07/04/24: County Business Patterns updated to include 2022 data.
07/03/24: Migration updated to include 2022 data.
06/09/24: Housing Permits updated to include 2023 data.
06/09/24: Annual Employment updated to include 2023 data.
06/09/24: Quarterly Employment updated to include Q4/2023 data.
06/08/24: Employment by Occupation updated to include 2023 data.
06/05/24: Population Components updated to include 2023 data.
05/21/24: Non-Employer Statistics updated to include 2021 data.
05/02/24: Annual Unemployment updated to include 2023 data.
04/26/24: University of Wisconson - County Health Rankings updated to include 2024 data.
12/18/23: Social Security (OSADI) updated to include 2022 data.
12/18/23: Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates updated to include 2022 data.
12/13/23: ACS Data Profile Tables updated to include 2022 data.
12/13/23: ACS 5 Year Detail Tables updated to include 2022 data.
12/13/23: Gross Regional Product updated to include 2022 data.
11/28/23: Personal Income updated to include 2022 data.
11/10/23: Non-Employer Statistics updated to include 2020 data.
10/13/23: Enrollment and Completions (IPEDS) updated to include 2022 data.
10/13/23: Quarterly Employment updated to include Q1/2023 data.
10/11/23: Supplemental Security Income update to include 2022 data.
9/28/23: ACS 1 Year Detail Tables updated to include 2022 data.
6/14/23: Housing Permits updated to include 2022 data.
6/12/23: Annual Employment updated to include 2022 data.
6/12/23: Quarterly Employment updated to include Q4/2022 data.
6/12/23: Employment by Occupation updated to include 2022 data.
6/1/23: Veterans Expenditures updated to include 2022 data.
6/1/23: Population Components updated to include 2022 data.
5/15/23: County Business Patterns updated to include 2021 data.
5/15/23: Migration updated to include 2021 data.
3/11/23: Quarterly Employment updated to include Q3/2022 data.
1/29/23: Quarterly Employment updated to include Q2/2022 data.
1/2/23: Gross Regional Production updated to include 2021 data.
1/2/23: Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates updated to include 2021 data.
1/2/23: Personal Income updated to include 2021 data.
1/2/23: Supplemental Security Income update to include 2021 data.
11/28/22: Social Security (OSADI) updated to include 2021 data.
11/20/22: ShiftShare updated to include 2021 data.
10/20/22: ACS 1 Year data updated to include 2021 data.
10/20/22: Occupation and Industry Clusters updated to Q3 2022 dataset.
10/5/22: Quarterly Employment updated to include Q1/2022 data.
9/27/22: Veterans Population updated to include 2022 data.
9/27/22: Veterans Expenditures updated to include 2021 data.
9/21/22: Enrollment and Completions (IPEDS) updated to include 2021 data. 8/11/22: Non-Employer Statistics updated to include 2019 data.8/7/22: Population and Demographics updated to include 2021 data.8/4/22: In-and-Out Migration updated to include 2020 data.6/15/22: Quarterly Employment updated to include Q4/2021 data.6/13/22: Annual Employment (CEW) updated to include 2021 data.6/3/22: Housing Permits updated to include 2021 data.5/18/22: County Business Patterns (CBP) updated to include 2020 data.4/9/22: Veterans Expenditures updated to include 2020 data.4/9/22: Social Security (OSADI, SSI) updated to include 2020 data.4/9/22: Personal Income updated to include 2020 data.4/8/22: Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates updated to include 2020 data.4/7/22: Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics updated to include 2021 data.4/5/22: Gross Domestic Product updated to include 2020 data.3/21/22: Annual Unemployment updated to include 2021 data.3/14/22: Population and Demographics were updated to include 2020 data.2/9/22: Quarterly Employment and Annual Employment were updated to include Q2/2021 data.8/9/21: Poverty Rate was updated to include 2019 data.8/7/21: County Business Patterns data was updated to include 2019 data.8/5/21: In-and-Out Migration data was updated to include 2019 data.8/4/21: College Graduates and Enrollment was updated to include 2020 data.8/4/21: Quarterly Employment and Annual Employment updated to include Q4/2020 data.7/16/21: Annual Employment (CEW) updated to include 2020 data.5/27/21: Employment by Occupation (OES) updated to include 2020 data.5/4/21: Veterans was updated to include 2048 projected data.5/4/21: Veterans Expenditures were updated to include 2019 data.5/3/21: Social Security (OSADI) was updated to include 2019 data.5/3/21: Firm Count (CBP) was updated to include 2019 data.4/30/21: Income & Benefits was updated to include 2019 data.4/30/21: Per Capita Income was updated to include 2019 data.4/30/21: Median Household Income was updated to include 2019 data.4/28/21: Housing Permits updated to include 2019 data.4/28/21: Crime was updated to include 2019 data.4/28/21: Social Security (SSI) was updated to include 2019 data.3/11/21: Quarterly Employment and Annual Employment updated to include Q3/2020 data.3/7/21: Annual Unemployment was updated to include 2020 data.12/10/20: Quarterly Employment and Annual Employment updated to include Q2/2020 data.10/19/20: College Graduates and Enrollment was updated to include 2019 data.9/29/20: Quarterly Employment and Annual Employment was updated to include Q1/2020 data.6/30/20: Firm Count by Industry, Size and Firm Count Comparison was updated to include 2018 data.6/30/20: Population by Age, Race, Gender was updated to include 2019 data.5/26/20: Non-Employer Statistics data updated to include 2018 data.4/28/20: Occupational Employment was update to include 2019 data.4/28/20: Population & Growth Components was updated to include 2019 data.4/9/20: Quarterly Employment was updated to include Q3/2019 data.4/6/20: Veterans Population data was updated.4/6/20: Veterans-Related Expenditures data was updated through 2018.3/28/20: OASDI data was updated through 2018.3/28/20: SSI data was updated through 2018.3/25/20: Gross Regional Product now includes data for counties and custom regions.3/11/20: A Migration Snapshot was added to the Demographics Menu.2/7/20: Median Household Income and Poverty Rate was updated to 2018.1/17/20: In-and-Out Migration data was updated to include 2017 and 2018 data, which was recently at the same time by the IRS.1/8/20: Income & Benefits and Per Capita Income data (REIS from the BEA) was updated to 2018.12/30/19: Gross Regional Product was updated to include 2018 data.12/18/19: Quarterly Employment was updated to include Q2/2019 data.12/2/19: County Business Patterns data (Firm Count by Industry) was updated to include 2017 data.10/22/19: Post-secondary Degree Completions and Enrollment was update to include 2018 data.9/9/19: Quarterly Employment was updated to include Q1/2019 data.9/9/19: Industry and Occupation cluster data and Fastest Growing Industries/Occupations was updated to include year-end actual 2018 data and revised forecast data from EMSI, with cluster analysis by Avalanche Consulting.6/28/19: Non-employer establishments by industry was updated to include 2017 data.6/20/19: Population by Age data was updated to include 2018. All 2010-2018 years of data have been updated to reflect the Vintage 2018 estimates.6/6/19: Quarterly Employment and Annual Employment was updated to include Q4/2018 data.5/10/19: Occupational employment and salary estimates were updated to 2018.4/24/19: Population estimates for counties and states were updated to 2018.3/7/19: Quarterly Employment was updated to include Q3-2018 data.2/7/19: Per Capita Income and Income & Benefits was updated to include 2017 data.2/6/19: Poverty Rate and Median Household Income was updated to include 2017 data.2/6/19: Crime data was updated to include 2017 data.2/6/19: College Graduates and Enrollment was updated to include 2017 data.2/6/19: Housing Permits was updated to include 2017 data.9/19/18: Gross Regional Product was updated to include 2017 data.6/25/18: Population by Age, Race, and Gender was updated to include 2017 data.6/25/18: Shift-Share Analysis was updated to include 2017 Annual Employment data.6/25/18: Non-Employer Statistics were updated to include 2016 data.6/21/18: Quarterly Employment was updated to include Q4 of 2017.6/19/18: Annual Employment (Covered Employment & Wages) was updated to include 2017 data.5/23/18: Occupational Employment was updated to include 2017 data.4/19/18: County Business Patterns was updated to include 2016 data.3/22/18: Population, Births, Deaths and Migration was updated to include 2017 data.2/15/18: Housing Permits was updated to include 2016 data.2/1/18: Poverty and Median Household Income was updated to include 2016 data.